Piano Guide

What do I have to keep in mind when I buy a digital piano?

If you buy a digital piano you should take care of a good sound, a weighted hammer-action keyboard and a comfortable and easy handling of all functions.

The sound – trust your ears

The true to original reproduction of different sounds and touch sensitivity is fundamental for playing the piano in an expressive way. Therefore the combination of a realistic piano sound and an efficient touch sensitivity are the important ingredients for successful playing.
The better the sound, the more expression can be added to the performance of an experienced piano player. An authentic sound of realistic grand piano samples leads to more impressive piano playing and to durable joy of making music.

Je hochwertiger der Klavierklang ist, desto mehr Ausdrucksstärke kann der erfahrene Klavierspieler seinem Spiel verleihen. Hier verhilft das authentische Klangerlebnis realistischer Samples erstklassiger Konzertpianos zu ausdrucksvollerem Klavierspiel und zu dauerhafter Freude am Musizieren.


The keyboard – trust your feeling

A weighted hammer-action keyboard is indispensable for learning to play the piano the right way. The keyboard of a digital piano simulates the hammering mechanism of a normal acoustic piano. It’s only this kind of mechanism, which guarantees a realistic feeling when you play the piano. Weighted-action keys are essential to achieve an individual musical expression, when you’re playing loud or quiet, fast or slow parts. Let your fingers decide.


The comfort – trust your intuition

The handling of a digital piano has to be intuitive and easy, so you can focus on the playing. At last you want make music and you don’t want to operate with a computer. Easy to use digital pianos offer you plenty of comfortable functions. All on one view and one click’s enough to fulfill your desire. It’s so easy.